Board of Directors

Front Runners Atlanta board is held by 100% volunteers on a 2 year term
(currently 2023-2024)

Thomas Barker


Thomas competed track and cross-country through college undergrad. He continued his passion for running, serving as an assistant coach while in graduate school. Now, Thomas works full-time at HUD, overseeing affordable housing.

Ryan Robertson


Ryan has worked in various financial roles throughout his career. His expertise in financials helps keep FRA organized and raise money for many non-profits.

Adam Moseley

Community Engagement Chair

Adam has been involved in the Atlanta Running community since 2015, building relationships with many other running organizations in metro-Atlanta. Adam’s connections and personality enrich the FRA recognition throughout Atlanta.

Cortland Walton

Membership Chair

Cortland has lived his entire life in metro-Atlanta, including gaining degrees from Georgia Tech and Georgia State University. Cortland’s friendly and hometown spirit thrives the membership draw to FRA.

Nikole Glaug

Workout Program Coordinator

Nikole is a lifelong active person. If it’s sports, she in. Nikole is a 5-time National Competitive Kickball champion, crossfitter, yogi, soccer player, volleyball player, longboarder, skater… you see the pattern? She’s active and is ready to bring those activities to the Front Runners community.

DJ Pulce

Atlanta Pride Run President/Coordinator

DJ has worked in film/tv productions for nearly 10 years. With his vast experience and attention to detail, Atlanta Pride Run has grown exponentially.

See current Atlanta Pride Run Committee.

Forrest Evans


Forrest Evans is a licensed, Atlanta-based librarian working in Sports and Tech, for Warner Brothers Discovery. The lowcountry native is committed to combating under education, fighting for gender equality and systemic patriarchy that brings joy to her day. The superheroine is also known as "Favorite Librarian" on social media, where she provides an array of Queer Books and Resources.

Forrest is the newest member to the Board of Directors for the Atlanta Pride Committee and also serves on the Steering Committee for Atlanta Pride Run, and is the Logistics Coordinator for Gaye Magazine.

A published poet and creative, her work can be found in Pen+Brush, Lavender Review: Lesbian Poetry and Art, TQ Review: A Journal of Trans and Queer Voices, and The Apogee Journal to name a few.

Morgan Belcher

At Large

Morgan joined Front Runners Atlanta board to be a part of organization that is about community and maintaining physical activity. Front Runners embodies both of these!

If you are Front Runners Atlanta member and like to be considered for a board position in the upcoming term, please email us at